Congratulations to Mom

Creating modern greetings for mothers on the occasion of birthdays and anniversaries with the writer Dovile Kubiliūta. Words when it is very difficult to express a huge thank you to my mother.


Mom, thank you for all the times you didn't say anything, thank you for the times you let me make mistakes and learn on my own. Thank you for being so understanding, patient, sensitive and comforting to me. Thank you for believing in me and supporting me. This journey has helped me grow into the person I am today. You are always in my heart.
I love you!


Mom, I haven't seen a bigger heart, I haven't seen more loving eyes, I haven't felt a warmer hug and stronger support, I haven't had deeper conversations and more meaningful minutes of silence.

Thank you for your dedication, I am extremely happy to be able to hug you.

Loving daughter/son/loving children


For all the mothers who stand in solidarity and sometimes seem to have superpowers. Which are the true and best versions of themselves. Who are able to do their best, even in the most unfavorable circumstances, and are real shelters for their children. I love you mom.

Raising a child is the deepest experience, the stormiest waters, the widest horizons, the combination of incompatible things, sweetness and bitterness in one, the most expensive investment, the most generous return and moments that are priceless in any currency. Thank you, mom.
Thank you, mother, for everything you have done, are doing and will do for me. There are no words to express how dear you are to me and how much I appreciate all the work of your hands and heart. I feel you even when you are not around, because it is impossible not to feel such light and love as you radiate. I am very rich!